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Photos from March and April 2004
April 29-May 2, 2004 photos
(Hailey goes to Dora The Explorer LIVE! Then the Elvers grandparents visit and give Hailey a birthday bicycle.)

April 18, 2004 photos
(Hailey meets another new baby, Dylan, the new son of Jen's friend Ginger. Everyone hangs out on a sunny day at the park.)

April 10-11, 2004 photos
(Hailey goes to the Maryland/Navy lacrosse game and cheers on the Terps. Then she goes to Maryland soccer where she plays with Ellie. On Sunday, she gets a fun Easter basket.)

April 2-8, 2004 photos
(Hailey goes for an Easter egg hunt. Then she visits Ted, Deanna and Ben in Connecticut. She then returns to Stony Brook to visit friends and the Yellin family.)

March 24-28, 2004 photos
(Hailey gets a visit from Grandma Vitale. She gives grandma birthday presents. Then she gets some gifts and shows off her pretty new clothes. The Bishops also visited.)

March 6-7, 2004 photos
(Hailey files her nails. Then she goes to the Knicks/Wizards game with baby Drew and his mom Amy.)

Feb. 27-March 1, 2004 photos
(It's Dad's Birthday! Wow, he's 30 and Mom threw him a big surprise party. Then we hung out with the Yellin family.)

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